"Fall In, Fall Out: When the U.S. Military (Almost) Brought Radiological Weapons to the Battlefield," Modern War Institute, September 2020
"Militarizing Global Health Isn't The Right Answer," War on the Rocks, May 2020
"The Military Is Not The Nation's Emergency Room Doctor," Modern War Institute, February 2020
"Tearing Down the Nuclear Firewall," War on the Rocks, October 2019
"Deterrence: I Don't Think It Means What You Think It Means," Modern War Institute, October 2019
"Concerns Reemerge About Limited Nuclear War," ARMY Magazine, August 2019
"The Rise and Fall of Counterproliferation Policy" Nonproliferation Review, April 2019
"The New US Strategy to Tackle WMD Terrorism is New Wine in Old Wineskins" War on the Rocks, December 2018
"Terrorists sometimes use chemical weapons, but the OPCW should focus on states" Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, November 2018
"Synthetic Biology: The Promise and Peril of a New Dual-Use Technology" War on the Rocks, August 2018
"Bugs and Gas: Celebrating the Birth of the Army Chemical Corps?" Modern War Institute, June 2018
"Improving Our CWMD Capabilities: Who Will Lead?" PRISM, May 2018
"Russia’s Chemical Romance: Don’t Call It a WMD Attack" War on the Rocks, March 2018
"Who Killed the Dugway Sheep? Why It Matters Fifty Years Later" Modern War Institute, March 2018
"[NPR] Maintaining the Course - for the Most Part" Texas National Security Review, February 2018
"Bugs and Gas: Biothreats and WMD in the New National Security Strategy" Modern War Institute, January 2018
"Nuclear Weapons Planning is Not Simplistic" Lawfire, November 2017
"Why Tactical Nuclear Weapons Are Still A Thing" DefenseOne, October 2017
"We Don't Need Another National Biodefense Strategy" Modern War Institute, August 2017
"Mattis Talks Nukes, But Is Trump Listening?" War on the Rocks, January 2017
"All Cards on the Table: First Use of Nuclear Weapons," War on the Rocks, July 2016
"Chilcot and Opening Old Wounds on WMD Intel," War on the Rocks, July 2016
"Syria Hasn't Degraded Deterrence and Nonproliferation Regimes," War on the Rocks, May 2016
"We Need to Speak Honestly about Nuclear Threats," War on the Rocks, April 2016
"A Necessary Weapon: The Nuclear Enterprise Strikes Back," War on the Rocks, April 2016
"Known Unknowns: Iraqi WMD, 13 Years Later," War on the Rocks, February 2016